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Born into a family of wanderers, my early years took me from the bustle of Philadelphia and New York to the calm of Alaska, the humidity of North Carolina, and the tarnished beauty of post-Communist Prague. Since 2011, I've called the Pacific Northwest my (occasionally soggy) home.

I Write
Headlines. Articles. Direct Marketing.


Websites. Blogs. Banner Ads. Social Media.

If it requires any of the alphabet's 26 letters,

count on me to wrestle it down, whittle it into shape, and put its best foot forward.

Metaphors mixed at no extra charge.

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I've worked successfully as a copywriter, literary editor, journalist, proofreader, and screenwriter. At the core of each discipline is a passion for research and storytelling along with an ability to distill complex ideas into everyday language. Just as important is matching an assignment with its appropriate style and tone. After all, a pig is not a cookie. And a tweet is not a bird. 



It's not about ego. Or credit. It's about producing the best work possible in the allotted time. Stay humble. There's always something more to learn -- and always somebody smarter.

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